Personally, I think you and Dave Lee [more known as Joey Negro]
are the most influential DJ's/remixers when it comes to Disco music today and I love both of your work. But I think there's
a slight difference in the kind of Disco each of you put on your compilations. I think your tracks often have a more Latin
touch and maybe also a little more 'Big Band' feel. Something your new BBE compilation Cocktail Disco proves. Do
you think I'm right, or how would you describe your different 'Disco styles'?
"I have a very soft spot for big orchestras indeed, and the Philadelphia sound is what I like best. I also like things
to be very flamboyant, so is Latin Disco. My favorite time frame for disco is '76 to '79. Dave seems to be into slightly
later stuff, more Boogie than Disco. He often tells me my taste in Disco is very gay, which I 100% agree, I wonder why he
has a problem with that. ;)"
Can you describe the thoughts you had when creating 'Cocktail Disco'?
"I have been coming across some of these records that had this kind of Broadway musical feel over the years, and thought
they had a distinctive vibe. They were not that common, and I started looking for more with the idea of one day compiling
them, as no one seemed to be that much interested in that sound. We'll see what will happen now."
I totally respect and admire your knowledge in Disco music. It's outstanding. I think I've heard quite a
lot, but still your compilations always introduce me to completely "new" stuff. How do you find all those great Disco
"I'm also surprised to find stuff I never heard of that is also good! It takes a lot of guessing, listening in record
stores and half decent records gathering dust in my studio. It turns out a lot of records in the Cocktail Disco compilation
I found in stores often visited by Disco collectors, and that have been standing there for a while before I picked them.
So I can say it's also a matter of taste."
Cocktail Disco really takes you back to legendary 50's/60's Hollywood movies with big orchestras playing in posh
restaurants and bars, or in luxury Caribbean cruise ships, but with a clear Disco touch (flavored with Latin rhythms). The
earlier years of Disco was the time of the orchestral Disco music and Dimitri has managed to pick the gems in this fairly
overlooked genre of Disco. You'll get 'Big Band' Disco versions of several legendary masterpieces like Gershwin's
"Summertime", "the Girl from Ipanema" (Produced by Vince Montana Jr), "Show You the Way To Go"
(Written by Gamble & Huff) and "C'est Si Bon". Some of my favorite tracks from the double CD are, beside the
already mentioned ones, the 1975 Ritchie Family track "Frenesi", which is a very early
Jacques Morali & Henri Belolo tune, along with Ray Martinez' "Lady
of the Night", Ms Victoria Burns' "Never Too Late" and "the Joy of You" by Paul Mauriat Plus
(a Funky Latin gem which I found I had in my collection, but had overlooked).
In late 2004, the two Masters of Disco, Dimitri from Paris and Joey Negro, joined forces and released a double CD with
some of their favorite obscure Disco tunes - the Kings of Disco CD.
Both guys made one CD each and ALL of these tracks really are obscure, I had only heard a handful of them before...
Dimitri starts out his CD with a die-hard classic by Derrick Harriott and follows up
with Vince Montana Jr.'s act Goody Goody, followed by Lime, Macho
and others to end with Risco Connection. Most of the tracks come in his own edited versions.
Joey starts by 'rolling a joint' and then throws in some UK acts like Spandau Ballet and
Yazoo. He also takes you 'Skate dancing' and longing for 'that Friday pay' before rounding it off by a classic
track by Touch.
Just like Dim, many of Joey's tracks also came in his own re-edited versions.
So, Is there any 'competition' between you and Dave? I know you earlier used to compete when buying rare
records on e-bay before you knew each other...
"No more competition, I leave him the slappy bass happy records, while he leaves the kitschy and cheesy ones to me."
Hahaha! Great deal!
In 2006 Dimitri teamed up with Japanese HipHop producer and DJ - DJ Muro, for the Super Disco Friends CD.
In this double CD, Dim mixed the first CD which was labeled - the Underdogs. That's just what you get, underrated tracks
that never got the attention they could have. It's a more Funky-Disco tone of these tracks than what we're usually used
to when seeing Dim's name on a CD. Some of my favorites from the Dim CD are; "Are You Ready" by Delilah,
"Boogie to the Bop" by Mantus (the first act I ever interviewed for, Paul Cacia's "Saved By Your Love" and WAR's "Good Good Feeling" (among
The DJ Muro CD is labeled - the Foundation. These tracks are more known than the Dim ones, and form a Funky foundation on
which DJ Muro build his grooves. In the Muro set you find classics like "Pussy footer" by Jackie Robinson,
along with "Try It Out" by Gino Soccio, Chantal Curtis' "Get Another Love" and Avonn's
sought for "Everybody Get Down".
As mentioned above, Dimitri likes to create his own edits or remixes of Disco classics. I had to know more on how it
started and so on... When did you do your first edit/remix? And, Do you recall which song?
"My first edit must have been in '83/'84, it was D-Train's 'Your the One For Me'. I was really impressed by the
fact the B-side had different dubbier parts than the A-side vocal. So I joined both versions on my cassette deck to an
awfully boring 14 minutes+ 'edit'..."
What would you say drives you to create your own edits/remixes of these songs? I think you do a lovely
work and always manage to keep the magic of the original...
"Sometimes I feel there's something I could do for me to like a song better, so it always starts as a personal thing.
I always did my edits for me, and I tend to go back to them after each play to fine tune things. Once an edit gets regular
plays in my sets, that's when I think about putting it out.
I try making a point for people not to figure out how I've edited something, my work should complement the song, not show
off, and get into its way.
In the 80's I used to be a fan of Arthur Baker and the Latin Rascals. I would cut up a song with tons of
machine gun style edits and it would take me weeks on my reel-to-reel. I got a little bit wiser with age and also DJ'ing
experience, as I found too many demonstrative edits would break the natural flow of a song.
I still occasionally like cutting up the odd song when there are only a few bars in it that I really like, with a computer
it's much more fast and fun to do."
So, Which programs and equipment do you use when creating your edits/remixes?
"I think I must have used every possible technique over the years!!! Started with manual pause button cassette editing,
reel-to-reel, hardware disk recorders, and now computer based editing.
My software of choice is Pro Tools, I find it the most precise one."
Beside editing Disco classics Dim has also remixed newer acts like; Etienne Daho, the Cardigans, M.A.W,
as well as classic acts like James Brown and Quincy Jones.
You have been remixing various acts, everything from Björk to Brand New Heavies and New
Order... Quite different types of acts. Would you say there's something you add to all of them that can make people
hear that it's a 'Dimitri from Paris' remix?
"Hard to say, again I don't try to lay my sound over someone else's, but rather make a song I have accepted to be more
danceable, The end result always varies, and is inspired by the raw material I have to work with.
Again as with edits, I respect the original, and try to take it to another level without breaking its essence."
Dim's list of remixes is TOO long to mention here, but to give you an idea on some of his works, I can mention stuff like;
Björk's "Human Behaviour", Stardust's "Music Sounds Better", Coldcut feat. Lisa Stansfield's
"People Hold On", Swedish act the Cardigans' "Erase / Rewind" and Stetsasonic's "Talkin' All That
Jazz" and LOTS of others. See Dim's own favorite remixes below...
Besides these he has also remixed many many Disco classics, for example he made many remixes for UK's DMC (Disco
Mix Club - DJ Remix Service) during 1990-1993, among those you find "Last Night A DJ Saved My Life" by Indeep,
"Spacer" by Sheila & B. Devotion, "You're the one for me" by D Train, ""Let no man put
asunder" by First Choice and "Weekend" by Class Action, but the list goes on and is still
Worth noting is also that it wasn't until around 1994 Dim changed his name to 'Dimitri from Paris', prior to that he simply
just called himself - Dimitri. So you will find many earlier remixes credited to just 'Dimitri'.
Already at a young age Dimitri discovered music and he early became a 'home DJ', making tapes by cut and paste music he
had recorded from radio and from records. Eventually this led to a career as a DJ and things really started to hit off
for the young Dim when he became a Radio Jock at the French Radio 7, from there he moved on to Skyrock to
finally end up at Europe's largest Radio network - NRJ in 1987. At NRJ he created a very successful House Music
show which he ran until 1998.
Beside the radio show, he still kept him busy with his edits/remixes, recording sessions and DJ'ing all over the globe.
Tell me about your DJ'ing, what inspired you to become a DJ? Was it something you always wanted to do,
or did it more or less just "happen"?
"It sort of happened yes. I first wanted to be a remixer, but tried DJ'ing in clubs as a means to pay for my records,
at the time a Club DJ had to play the club's records, and didn't have the freedom to bring his own music. It wasn't what
I wanted, and I started DJ'ing at radio stations also to showcase my edits, hoping a producer would spot me and give me
remix work, which in the end happened! It was only after 8 years of radio shows that I started being asked to DJ in clubs,
and I got hooked up very quickly to it."
Tell me, When did you start DJ'ing? Which was your first gig?
"I think I had my first club gig in 84, like I said above it wasn't very gratifying, I even had to go record shopping
with the owner! Since he was buying, he would not always accept my record choices, and then in the club he'd come to the
booth and complain about what I was playing... I didn't last very long there, but it was me who did quit!"
You have also been a Radio DJ, which do you prefer - Radio or Club DJ'ing?
"It goes in cycles, in the 80's I had more freedom on the radio, the 90's was rather the opposite! Nowadays internet
radio is so widespread that you can have freedom again, and the people in clubs seem to always want the same format of
things. So who knows maybe I can go back to do some podcasting!"
Please do... Have you been resident DJ of any clubs? Which clubs?
"Other than that first club where I stayed 2 months, not really!"
OK, Have you got any favorite clubs which you just love to play and why? Would you say there is a
different crowd in each of the clubs? I.e. Are there songs that are floor fillers in one club that don't work in another
"I like playing in Tokyo clubs like Loop or Yellow, people seem to go there as in a temple, they are very
devoted to the DJ they choose to hear. Usually anything that is in my records is a big hit, often - 'the more obscure the
better' too!"
But what do you think made you one of the hottest and most wanted DJ's? I mean, even Madonna
handpicked you to open up her show in Paris. Do you think you have any specific skills, special techniques or something
that has made you what you are today?
"I used to think technique is the most important thing in DJ'ing, but I now feel it's all in the selection and timing.
Technique should be good enough so you can make smooth transitions for dancers but shouldn't get in the way of a good
vibe. Too many DJs seem to let their programming dictated by formats and BPM's. Perfectly mixed records can soon become
very boring if they end up sounding like one never ending track..."
It's also told that Playboy's Hugh Heffner ordered a mixed tape by you for one of his
parties and the result was A Night At the Playboy Mansion. Is that correct or how did that come about?
"Not exactly. Playboy offered me and Respect (3 Parisian party promoters) to throw a party at the Playboy
Mansion, we came up with idea of making a dedicated CD so we'd have something special to celebrate and voila!"
A Night At The Playboy Mansion was released in the spring of 2000 and all the tracks of the CD are segued together by
Dimitri into a 76 minutes long Soulful Disco-Jazz House trip. Several of the tracks are Dim's own re-edits of classics
by the Originals, Atmosfear and Ashford & Simpson. As always with Dim's collections there are many,
yet great, tracks you've never heard before, but it's a mix of new and old in the typical Dimitri from Paris spirit.
Just to segue Cerrone with the Joey Negro act, the Sunburst Band kind of says it all...
The success of the first Playboy CD raised the demand for a follow up and in February of 2002 - the After the Playboy
Mansion CD - was released. In this double CD Dim picks up where 'A night...' left off. The first disc goes under the
name 'Laidback', which shows in the little slower tempo [BPM - Beats Per Minute] of the songs, as well as being a disc
you could just as easily just sit back, relax and enjoy listening to, as get on your feet and dance to. The Laidback CD
include gems from Tata Vega, Imagination, Grace Jones, Rinder & Lewis and the
Larry Levan remix of Gwen Guthrie's "Peanut Butter", among
The second CD is named 'Uplifting' and right away the tempo speeds up and the beat has become more distinct. There
are also more Latin and Jazz influences and we also get a song all sung in Swedish, but it still keep the vibe alive
which makes it work. Music includes classic acts like Chaka Khan who has teamed up with De La Soul,
Linda Clifford and Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes.
In April 2008 my petition for a third CD in the Playboy Mansion series was fulfilled when Defected released the CD
Dimitri from Paris Return to the Playboy Mansion.
Once again our Disco Playboy make Playmate Bunnies (and all others) shake their ears and tails to the great music he had
put together for Hugh and the guests of his Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles.
The first disc is labelled Partytime and is just that... A wonderful mix of dance grooves and classic Disco
tunes. Just by starting out with Jamiroquai's "Cosmic Girl" sets the uplifting mood that is kept over the
full CD when the journey travels by acts like Incognito, Lorraine Johnson, Musique,
Gary's Gang, Don Ray and even Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terell's
marvelous "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" in a Dimitri re-edit.
The second disc is called Sexytime and the tempo is brought down a bit and for all lovers Dim provides us with
a mixed selection of sexy Soulful beats by Barry White, Teddy Pendergrass, Change,
Melba Moore, Amii Stewart, France Joli and Brand New
Heavies, among others.
There's also a Limited Edition release which includes Playmate postcards, stickers and a booklet with info
and comments by Dim himself...
When you DJ, What do you prefer to play; Vinyl, CD's or computer? And why?
"CDs allow me to have 50 times more songs at hand than vinyl, so I moved to that after digitizing big chunks of my
collection. I'm looking at computer DJ'ing, but it doesn't offer me what I need in terms of sound tweaking yet, for me to
accept looking at one single thing all night."
How would you describe your DJ playing style? Are there any "trademarks" for a Dim session?
"Trademarks? You'll get lots of Disco edits played in between quite musical House stuff, and hopefully if crowd accepts
it, some lower tempo variations!"
Do you remember or can you tell which was your best gig ever?
"The Magic Sessions in WMC in 2001, magic indeed, and a 20 minute standing ovation while the cops were
trying to shut the place down!"
As the passionate collector and connoisseur Dimitri is, he must have tons of records. Besides he always tries to find new
stuff as he mentioned earlier, something that add up to the collection. Let's talk about that...
I guess you must have a MASSIVE records collection, do you know how much records you own? Do you keep
everything you buy and receive?
"No, I have no idea how many I have, I stopped counting ages ago. I tend to throw things out every 5 years, or when I
move house."
That's probably wise, since I'm sure Dim otherwise could fill a normal home with records.
As you know, my web-page is Disco oriented, could you name some of your all time favorite Disco songs
for the viewers of Like some kind of Top Ten or likewise, but they don't need to be in order or
"There are tons more, but these are the first 10 that spring to mind today..."
Change | "the Glow of love" |
Carl Bean | "I was born this way" |
Brown Sugar (The Girls) | "I'm going through changes now" |
Harold Melvin | "Bad Luck" |
Inner Life | "I'm caught up" |
Elaine & Eileen | "the Look of love" |
Imagination | "Changes" |
D-Train | "You're the one for me" |
Gwen Guthrie | "It should've been you" |
Fantastic Aleems | "Hooked on your love" |
Great list. If you could choose just one Disco track that would describe 'Dimitri from Paris', which
track would it be?
"Ron Hall and the Mothafunkaz - 'The way you love me' remix"
What kind of music do you personally prefer?
"Have a guess!"
Hahaha! OK! I think I can guess... So, Which of your own edit and remixes are you most proud of?
"I'm proud of..."
Eddie Kendricks | "Date with the rain" edit |
Ron Hall and the Mothafunkaz | "The way you love me" remix |
Stetsasonic | "Talking all that jazz" remix |
Bjork | "Human Behaviour" remix |
Dimitri has not stopped with the edits and remixes, he has also been recording music under his own name.
First out were two EP's released in 1993 and 1994, followed by the mini-LP Esquisses.
And in 1996 his first full length album was released - Sacrebleu. His Latin-Jazz-House music album sold over
300,000 copies worldwide and was named Album of the Year by UK's Mixmag magazine. Surprisingly it took until
1998 before it was released in the US.
In 1997 Mixmag released Monsieur Dimitri's De-Luxe House of Funk which included the hits "Dirty Larry" and
"Sacre Francais".
The album My SalSoul was released in 2001 and is a mixdown of some of Dim's very favorite
SalSoul songs. Its lots of GREAT classics from this legendary label and
some of the tracks have even got a 'Dim treatment' for this compilation. The CD include works by
Loleatta Holloway, Jocelyn Brown
(with Inner Life), SalSoul Orchestra, Carol Williams, First Choice and others. It's Disco at
its best...
In 2003 another Dimitri from Paris album was released - Cruising Attitude.
Then in 2004, Defected in the UK released the very successful In the House: Mixed by Dimitri from Paris
compilation. In this double CD Dimitri mix up House tunes with wonderful Disco music (of course). Where else would you
find House acts like L'il Louis, Blaze, Louie Vega and Doug Willis (one of Dave Lee's alter
egos) next to Disco greats as Rufus & Chaka Khan, O'Jays and Sinnamon?
Defected followed up the success in 2006 with the triple CD - In the House of Love: Mixed By Dimitri from Paris.
The first 2 CD's are DJ mixed by Dim and include both classic gems and newer House stuff. A lot of the tracks comes in a
Dim remix or re-edit. The 3'rd CD includes the full versions of some of these Dim remixes/re-edits and they are really a
treat, including hard-to-find classics like Cerrone feat. Jocelyn Brown's "Hooked on you", Sylvester's
"I Need You" and "Down To Love Town" by the Originals. Other acts found on the CD's are France
Joli, Grace Jones, D-Train, Fat Larry's Band, BlackBox and others. It's really an
excellent CD set that no one should miss out on...
In May 2010 there's a new collection called Get Down With The Philly Sound to be released by BBE.
The CD will go back to the roots of Disco and take you to the Sigma Sound Studio in Philadelphia, where the Disco music was born.
You can already watch some promotion videos right here:
>> Episode 1
>> Episode 2
>> Episode 3
Have you got any special Disco related memories, either from when you first heard Disco music or as a
DJ or edit/remixer? What I'm looking for could be some Disco track that just let you know that Disco was the thing for
you or some track made something special happen on a DJ night or some edit/remix that just.... something.
"I think the first time I started having an interest in Disco was when I heard a French Club Chart radio show, the
songs where usually pretty cheesy, but the DJ there was really working the breaks, adding all sorts of effects and jingles
and he was making the music much more exciting than it originally was. That had a big influence on me as I realized the
same record could sound different - better or worse - depending on who was playing it."
In February 2005 Dim was dubbed Knight of the Arts and Letters by the French government for his influential and
successful work in the music industry. An award that also acknowledge his personal style as art.
I always associate you with great style and in all the photo's I've seen you have a great taste in
clothing. Is that another interest of yours?
"I do my own photo styling, it's always fun to create situations, and wear different styles of clothes. However I don't
believe much in fashion, I follow my style not someone else's."
Good, and interesting... Because you have also made the music for the fashion shows of many of the
legendary Parisian fashion houses, like: Chanel, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Lagerfeld, Hermès,
Yves Saint-Laurent and the list goes on... How is that, and how do you select the music to those shows in order to
get the 'right' feeling for their fashion?
"I was working more as a technician and my then partner, Michel Gaubert, was choosing the songs. Fashion
people are usually pretty difficult to work with, and I didn't have the patience to deal with them..."
Haha! OK! Anything else you want to tell me about? Any and all information is very welcome, some fun
"Watch out for my remixes of 2 of my all time favorite artists; Imagination's 'Burning up' which is coming out
soon on Juno Records and Ashford & Simpson's 'Stay Free' with other fresh mixes from
Tom Moulton, Joey Negro, Joe Clausell
and more.
A double CD that will also feature all the re-mastered mostly promo only original 12" versions and will be out on
Rhino/Atlantic under the helm of Johnny D."
Wow! Sounds really exciting. Can't wait to hear those records... OK! Thank you for taking your time and
answer all my questions! I really appreciated this a lot - THANK YOU!
"Thank YOU!"
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CLICK to hear some Dimitri from Paris songs...
Strong man (For real) Dimitri from Paris feat. Omar
CLICK to hear some Dimitri from Paris edits or remixes...
Don't leave me this way Marold Melvin & the Blue Notes
Down to love town Originals
Get it up for love Tata Vega
Hooked on you Cerrone feat. Jocelyn Brown
I need you Sylvester
So good, so right Imagination
Spacer Sheila B. Devotion
the Look of love Elaine & Ellen
the Way you love me Ron Hall & the Muthafunnkaz
CLICK to hear some Dimitri from Paris Disco favorites...
Boogie to the bop Mantus
Canteen Serenade
Down to love town Originals
Feel like dancing France Joli
the Girl from Ipanema Astrud Gilberto
Glow of love Change
Hooked on your love Fantastic Aleems
I got a thing Silver, Platinum & Gold
I need you Sylvester
I'm caught up Inner Life
It should have been you Gwen Guthrie
Joy of you Paul Mauriat Plus
Just as long as I got you Love Commitee
Lady of the night Ray Martinez & Friends
Lookin' for love Fat Larry's Band
Never gonna let you go Jobell & the Orchestra de Salsa
Never too late Ms Victoria Barnes
Something about you Moses
Summertime Blue Velvets
Take me with you Ralfi Pagan
You're the one for me D Train

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Disc 1:
Cosmic Girl - Jamiroquai
Always There - Incognito feat. Jocelyn Brown
Liv & Love - DJ Fudge feat. Mani Hoffman
Keep The Fires Burning - Kenny Thomas
Hot Like An Oven - Robert Strauss feat. Leroy Burgess
Show You My Love - Goldie Alexander
Feel The Need - Weird Science
Call My Name - Timmy Vegas
The More I Get, The More I Want - Lorraine Johnson
Love Massage - Musique
Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terell
The Cure & The Cause - Fish Go Deep & Tracey K
Got To Have Loving - Don Ray
Let's Love Dance Tonight - Gary's Gang
I Like It (What You're Doing To Me) - Young & Company
Is It In - Jimmy "Bo" Horne
Midnight Interlude - Mr. A.L.I.
This Is What You Are - Mario Biondi and the High Five Quintet
Come Go With Me - Teddy Pendergrass
Disc 2:
Close The Door - Teddy Pendergrass
I'm Gonna Love You Just A Little More Baby - Barry White
Un Po' D'uva E Un Liquore - Pino D'Angio
Friends - Amii Stewart
Gotta Get You Home Tonight - Eugene Wilde
Sweetest Pain - Loose Ends
I Want You - Marvin Gaye
Can't Stop Loving You - Richard Rogers
Be Thankful For What You Got - William DeVaughn
Don't Let It Go To Your Head - Jean Carn
For Real - Flowers
Let's Funk Tonight - Blue Feather
You Are My Melody - Change
Your Good Lovin' - France Joli
Never Stop - Brand New Heavies
Standing Right Here - Melba Moore

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Disc 1:
Summertime - Blue Velvet
Ocean's Apart - Vast Majority
Never Too Late - Ms. Victoria Barnes
Girl From Ipanema - Astrud Gilberto
C'est Si Bon - Rhoda Scott
It's Got To Be Love - Darcus
Who Can I Turn To - Marti Lynn
Joy Of You - Paul Mauriat Plus
Disco Village - J. Elliott Group
Let Me Show You The Way - Charlie's Roots
Starflight - Band That Came To Earth
Disc 2:
What You Need Is My Love - Cindy Rodriguez
Never Gonna Let You Go - Jobell & The Orchestra De Salsa
Take Me With You - Ralfi Pagan
Frenesi - Ritchie Family
Lady Of The Night - Ray Martinez
Canteen - Serenade
Keep It Up - Nightfall
Little High Things - Private Pink
Something About You - Moses
Again - Night People
Baby I Just Wanna Love You - Jonelle Allen

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Disc 1:
Black Skinned Blue Eyed Boys - Derrick Harriott
It Looks Like Love - Goody Goody
Nuclear Night - Crystal Disco Band
Agent 406 - Lime
Not Tonight - Macho
Pumping Iron - Larry Wood
Take Me I'm Yours - Mary Clark
He Will Dance With Me - Cappuccino
Musicland - Clymax
I'm Caught Up - Risco Connections
Disc 2:
Roll the Joint - Master Boogie Song & Dance
I'm in Love - Cela
Chant No. 1 - Spandau Ballet
Love Fantasy - Mighty Fire
Skate Dancer - Vinzerrelli
That Friday Pay, Pt. 1 - Sonny Jenkins & N.Y. Potpourri Strings
Situation - Yazoo
Get Down With the Jam Band - John Gibbs
Just Like a Door Knob - Touch
I've Been Searching - Art & Crafts

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Disc 1: (mixed by Dimitri From Paris)
Down To Love Town - Originals
Feel Like Dancing - Joli, France
Looking For Love - Fat Larry's Band
Fire - Victor Davies
Tonight - DJ Genesis
Hooked On You - Cerrone feat. Jocelyn Brown
Enjoy It Now - Tortured Soul
Sunday Afternoon - Vanessa Daou
Big Love - Pete Heller
You're The One For Me - D-Train
Look Of Love - Eileen & Elaine
Way You Love Me - Ron Hall & The Muthafunkaz
I Need You - Sylvester
I Don't Wanna See Myself With You - Terry Callier
Disc 2: (mixed by Dimitri From Paris)
Fantasy - Black Box
La Vie En Rose - Grace Jones
All I Want Is You - Four Flights
Lay It On Me - Sylvia
Spend A Day Without You - Crue-I Grand Orchestra
Sweet Talk - Robin Beck
Glow of Love - Change
Say You Wannit - Stereo Mutants
Drawn To You - Jafrosax
A World of Love - Bob Sinclair feat. Ron Carroll
Givin' It Up - Incognito
Found Love - Double D
To Be In Love - India & Tito Puente
I Want You - Gato Barbieri
Disc 3: (Bonus Disc)
Down To Love Town - Originals
I Need You - Sylvester
Look Of Love - Eileen & Elaine
Givin' It Up - Incognito
Enjoy It Now - Tortured Soul
Hooked On You - Cerrone feat. Jocelyn Brown
Sweet Talk - Robin Beck

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Disc 1: (mixed by Dimitri from Paris)
We're On Our Way Home - Brainstorm
My Love Supreme - Milton Hamilton
Barely Breaking Even - Universal Robot Band
Chameleon - La Pregunta
You're So Right For Me - Eastside Connection
Ain't No Stopping Us Now - Charanga 76
Flight To Jamaica - Crashers
Que Tal America - Two Man Sound
Corazon - The LTG Exchange
Love Hangover - Touch
Let's Make Love - Jeanne Napoli
Just As Long As I Got You - Love Committee
Smile - Skylite
I Got A Thing - Silver, Platinum & Gold
Shout At The Disco - Little Scotty
Work Song - Pat Lundy
Disc 2:
You're So Right For Me - Eastside Connection
My Love Supreme - Milton Hamilton And Spiritualized
Ain't No Stopping Us Now - Charanga 76
Corazon - The LTG Exchange
Cathedrals - DC La Rue
Chameleon - La Pregunta
Flight To Jamaica - Crashers
Que Tal America - Two Man Sound
Love Hangover - Touch
Disc 3:
I Got A Thing - Silver, Platinum & Gold
Work Song - Pat Lundy
Smile - Skylite
Beyond The Galaxy - Jimmy Roma
I Don't Wanna Lose It - Bambu
Let's Make Love - Jeanne Napoli
Just As Long As I Got You - Love Committee
Barely Breaking Even - Universal Robot Band
We're On Our Way Home - Brainstorm
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